we have reverse engineer expert to help you with your electronics circuit problem.
Did you lost your original documentation of your electronic circuit and firmware source code developed by your ex-employee? You need a recovery.
improve your current product over your competitors, creating a better design.
need to integrate your product into an unknown/complex system.
Reverse engineering involves a lot of experience and creativity.
We analyse your circuit for quality & durability and recommend solutions which add unique values for your product application.
Improve circuit schematic and PCB layout design. Clone microcontroller chip or copy firmware. Repair obsolete electronics circuits or equipment.
Recommend alternative current trend solutions.
Reverse engineer refers to PCB boards that are rebuilt from assembled products or circuit boards that may potentially be faulty and need replacing.
PCB Gerber reverse engineering, replicate, Generate from sample board schematic reverse engineering, Generate from sample board
For furhter information, please feel free to contact us, www.pcbsino.com
We used technology to computer scan artwork, photos or circuit boards to produce CAD data for photo plotting to enable new PCB’s to be produced.
This is a much more economical way of replacing the board and saves the costs involved in re-designing the CAD layout. It also ensures the new PCB will function just like the original, while removing any risk of errors.